[ Talks ]

On October 6th, 2016 I gave a conference regarding Security in eCommerce payments. You can download the slides here
[ Tendencias de seguridad en pagos por eCommerce]

On March 22nd, 2010 there was an onLine event organized by the Adobe Community Champions “Garage Flash”. I gave a conference called “Flash Player 10.1” where I presented the new features of this new version of the player. You can view the presentation here
[ Flash Player 10.1]

On Thursday 16th, 2009 I gave an onLine conference as part or “Adobe en vivo onLine version“.Here you have the presentation. Enjoy it.
[ Presentation Adobe en vivo]

At Campus Party MX I gave a conference about Programming languages regarding Flash Platform. I uploaded the presentation to SlideShare and there you can also download the presentation. Here you have the link.
[ Flash Platform programming languages]

When I was at Workshopcamp MX I could give a lab. The title was “Working with the Flash Platform”.Here you have the slides (also uploaded to slideshare where you can also download them)
[ Working with the Flash Platform]

Here you have another set of slides of a conference I gave about the migration from ActionScript 2.0 to ActionScript 3.0. These are just a few code examples.
[ Migration from ActionScript 2.0 to ActionScript 3.0]

As part of the Adobe Hispano speakers I also gave an online conference about
[ Advanced topics in ActionScript 3.0]

I gave a conference about Flash Player Security in Campus Party MX with topics like decompilers and obfuscators, securing SWF Files, sandboxes and crossdomains, data transmission, security in video streaming and more.
[ Flash Player Security ]

At Flash Community Tour & Inside CS6 I gave a conference named “Flash Player Security”. I uploaded the presentation to SlideShare. Here you have the link http://www.slideshare.net/albertx/flash-player-security-12792523

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